Front End Technologies and Frameworks
- CSS3
A full stack developer with skills in latest technologies and libraries like React, Node, Go, Express, MongoDB, Firebase, Angular, Vue and many more. I love making real-life apps, creating RESTful api and working on challenging projects and debugging.
These are my top projects i made throughout the years. Other projects can be found on my github.
About: A social media platform where you can sign up and log in as a student or alumni. Passwords are safely hashed and stored. Create your profile and then connect with other people. You can add educations and experiences to your profile. Your profile picture is taken from your Gmail account by default but you can change it. Post and upload images, like, and comment on other people's posts. Get real-time notifications.
Helper libraries: Redux,PassportJS,Jwt,PusherJS,Gravatar,Bcrypt,Multer
About: A fully functioning netflix clone. Sign up or login to the website.Browse through all the different movies and tv shows.Use dynamic search to find a specific movie.Play a video to see a placeholder video.
Helper libraries: Styled Components with Sass,React Hooks,React Context
About: A live chat application where you can sign up and log in.Create your own channels,send private messages,see people with top posts,change theme,upload image,get dynamic online/offline view,change and edit avatar
Helper libraries: Redux,Semantic-Ui-react,react-avatar-editor,emoji-mart
About: A live information about how covid cases are currently across the world.Navigate through world map to see infected,deaths and recoveries throughout the world. You can select specific country to see a pie charts and bar chart about different cases there.
Helper libraries: react-chart-js, react hooks
About: An amazon client side application where you can add specific items to cart. Proceed to checkout, delete from cart. Then in checkout it has payment processing where you have to give your credit card information to make payment successful. (Test case for credit card 424242424242)
Helper libraries: Context api, Strapi
About: Here you can see all the latest launches and information about SpaceX.Getting data directly from their live api, you can navigate through particular rocket and see it's status.
Helper libraries: GraphQL
About: A food chain application with functionalities including viewing and browsing through all the foods,customizing ingredients, adding to cart, updating cart, creating account and getting nearest locations.
Key functionalities SQLRoom, Fragments, Singleton , Recycler View, Broadcasting, Intent